Jul 5, 2015
Barista SharePoint 2013 Branch
There is now a branch within the repository that supports SharePoint 2013
Some Highlights:
- Barista Fiddle improvements (Editor updates, Autocomplete, code folding, syntax checking)
- New WkHtmlToPdf bundle for Html to Pdf document conversion (Based on WkHtmlToPdf library which isn’t a commercial product, has ability to set page sizes/margins/etc)
- Reduced GAC deployments – all dependencies except Barista.Core, Barista.SharePoint and Barista.Core are now located in the hive rather than the GAC to minimize collisions.
- Minification in Web Optimization bundle no longer depends on YUI Compressor
- Addition of endpoint to get general Barista status (Machine name, Barista deployment status, etc: /_layouts/barista/v1/barista.svc/status)
- Improvements to the WCF Pipeline
- General bugfixes across the bundles.
- Additional Barista Fiddle improvements (Tabs, Dynamic Auto-complete, better save/load to SharePoint mechanism)
- Separate Bundles into individual assemblies and use DI to lift them (Work started)
- Provide mechanism for individual bundles to be approved via a farm administrator in the service application management screen
- Provide mechanism for bundles to be deployed via different mechanism than SP deployment
- Provide v2 of barista services which uses another underlying script engine (V8, Chakra, other… specific goals in mind are performance, sandboxing, real-time debugging, ECMAScript 6 support…)
- General work items in TFS…