Jan 23, 2013

Parsing CSV to JSON and back again

The Document bundle now has routines to transform CSV to Json and back again.

So, given this Barista service:

var doc = require("Document");
var csv = "Name, Age, Power\r\n\
    Sean, 20, 9001\r\n\
    Carl, 101, 9002\r\n\
                Frank, 9, 1000\r\n";
var result = doc.csv2Json(csv);

The response is a JSON array.


Since we have a header with our CSV, we can do one better – we can generate an array of JSON objects by specifying the “hasHeader” flag.

var doc = require("Document");
var csv = "Name, Age, Power\r\n\
    Sean, 20, 9001\r\n\
    Carl, 101, 9002\r\n\
                Frank, 9, 1000\r\n";
var result = doc.csv2Json(csv, {hasHeader: true});


        "Name": "Sean",
        "Age": "20",
        "Power": "9001"
        "Name": "Carl",
        "Age": "101",
        "Power": "9002"
        "Name": "Frank",
        "Age": "9",
        "Power": "1000"

This works in conjunction with the other Bundles, for example, the SharePoint bundle.

var sp = require("SharePoint");
var doc = require("Document");
var csvFile = sp.currentContext.web.getFileByServerRelativeUrl("/Documents/Cities.csv");
var result = doc.csv2Json(csvFile.openBinary(), {hasHeader: true});
        "City Name": "Acton",
        "Criteria ID": "1018752",
        "DMA Region Name": "Portland-Auburn, ME",
        "DMA Region Code": "500"
        "City Name": "Albion",
        "Criteria ID": "1018754",
        "DMA Region Name": "Portland-Auburn, ME",
        "DMA Region Code": "500"
        "City Name": "Alfred",
        "Criteria ID": "1018755",
        "DMA Region Name": "Portland-Auburn, ME",
        "DMA Region Code": "500"
        "City Name": "Andover",
        "Criteria ID": "1018756",
        "DMA Region Name": "Portland-Auburn, ME",
        "DMA Region Code": "500"
        "City Name": "Auburn",
        "Criteria ID": "1018760",
        "DMA Region Name": "Portland-Auburn, ME",
        "DMA Region Code": "500"
        "City Name": "Augusta",
        "Criteria ID": "1018761",
        "DMA Region Name": "Portland-Auburn, ME",
        "DMA Region Code": "500"

Bam – you’ve just created a simple REST service against a CSV file.

This works the other way as well. Given a JSON object, you can create a CSV file.

var doc = require("Document");
var myArray = [{
    Hello: "World",
    Foo: "Bar"
}, {
    Hello: "Frank",
    Foo: "Baz"
}, {
    Hello: "Gina",
    Foo: "Boo"
} ];
var result = doc.json2Csv(myArray);


Json2CSV also will output headers (based on the first object in the array)

var doc = require("Document");
var myArray = [{
    Hello: "World",
    Foo: "Bar"
}, {
    Hello: "Frank",
    Foo: "Baz"
}, {
    Hello: "Gina",
    Foo: "Boo"
} ];
var result = doc.json2Csv(myArray, {hasHeader: true});

Other options include:

Specifying the delimiter

{hasHeader: true, valueDelimiter: “’”}

Specifying the separator

{hasHeader: true, valueSeparator: “\t}

Preserve the leading/trailing whitespace

preserveLeadingWhiteSpace, preserveTrailingWhiteSpace