Jan 22, 2013
Barista Updates
- Better BaristaFiddle compatibility with IE8
- Thanks to a fulfilled bug filing with CodeMirror, the annoying discrepancy between cursor position and ‘actual’ cursor position in IE8 should be fixed.
Thanks CodeMirror guys.
- Updates/Additions of JS Libraries.
- Better/Simpler parsing of AJAX responses when using the Web bundle.
- The ajax function will now better handle external RSS feeds and attempt to auto-decode to a JSON object.
- For instance,
var web = require("Web");
Results in the JSON object:
"rss": {
"@version": "2.0",
"channel": {
"title": "Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Alerts",
"link": "http://www.wmata.com/",
"description": "Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Alerts",
"language": "en-us",
"generator": "eAlert Messaging System http://www.ealert.com/",
"webMaster": "hostmaster@mis-sciences.com (MIS Hostmaster)",
"ttl": "15"
Without any additional work needed. If a RAW object is required, specify:
web.ajax("http://www.metroalerts.info/rss.aspx?rs", { dataType: "Raw" });
- Beneath-the-scenes improvements in Search, OData for future functionality.